Details of the international geoscience education surveys are given below.
Fourth international geoscience education survey, 2018:
The fourth survey was a joint survey between IGEO and UNESCO, published in two volumes.
Geociencias en la educacación primaria y secundaria (Volumen 1) in Spanish, covering Latin American countries, by UNESCO International Geoscience and Geoparks programme 2019 (1st Dec 2019 updated) (Download Link /2.5MB)
Geoscience in primary and secondary education (Volume 2) in English covering 35 non-Latin American countries, by UNESCO International Geoscience and Geoparks programme 2019 (1st Dec 2019 updated) (Download Link /2.5MB)
Third international geoscience education survey, 2012:
Third international geoscience education survey Jan 13, 2013(this is the 2006 survey updated with 2012 data). A summary of the survey has been published in the International Union of Geological Sciences, Episodes publication, and can be found at here.
Second international geoscience education survey, 2006:
The first survey (2000) was enhanced and extended in 2006 and re-published as the second international geoscience education survey
First international geoscience education survey, 2000:
The first international geoscience education survey was carried out in 2000
IGEO is very grateful to all those members of IGEO who provided data for the surveys.
Anyone is welcome to use the data in the surveys, with suitable acknowledgement.
A volume comparing global Earth science education perspectives was published in 2018:
Earth Science Education – Global Perspectives edited by Roberto Greco and Leslie Almberg (17th Dec 2018 updated) (Download Link / 26.2MB)