The aims of the International Geoscience Education Organisation (IGEO) are to promote geoscience education internationally at all levels, to work for enhancement of the quality of geoscience education internationally and to encourage developments raising public awareness of geoscience, particularly amongst younger people.
To meet these aims, the IGEO monitors international provision of geoscience education and foster communications between geoscience educators worldwide. It liaises with international and national bodies concerned with geoscience education, with international professional geoscience bodies, such as the International Union of Geological Sciences (of which it is an affiliate) and with international bodies concerned with science education.
IGEO is led by a Council formed from one member from each interested country. Council meetings, ether by email or face to face, occur regularly.
IGEO runs an international Conference approximately every four years, alternating with a representation at the International Geological Congress, which also takes place at four year intervals.
You can download a brief history of IGEO (June. 2021 updated) here and IGEO plans for the future here.