1. What will be supported?
Activities in line with our aims, namely:
The aims of the International Geoscience Education Organisation (IGEO) are to promote geoscience education internationally at all levels, to work for enhancement of the quality of geoscience education internationally and to encourage developments raising public awareness of geoscience, particularly amongst younger people.
To meet these aims, the IGEO monitors international provision of geoscience education and fosters communications between geoscience educators worldwide. It liaises with international and national bodies concerned with geoscience education, with international professional geoscience bodies, such as the International Union of Geological Sciences (of which it is an affiliate) and with international bodies concerned with science education.
The priority list, therefore, is:
- foster communications between geoscience educators worldwide, particularly those from developing countries – for example, through supporting attendance of geoscience educators and teachers from developing countries at international conferences, particularly GeoSciEd conferences
- liaison with international and national bodies concerned with geoscience education, with international professional geoscience bodies, such as the International Union of Geological Sciences (of which IGEO is an affiliate) and with international bodies concerned with science education – for example, by supporting travel of Council members to key conferences and meetings, where necessary
- promote geoscience education internationally at all levels, to work for enhancement of the quality of geoscience education internationally – for example, through ‘pump-prime’ support for new initiatives
- encourage developments raising public awareness of geoscience, particularly amongst younger people – for example, by supporting geoscience outreach activities which are likely to have wide impact
2. Who can apply for support?
Any individual, institution or organization
3. What amount of funding is available per year?
100% of the raised money of the previous year, plus a maximum $500 (USD) of our reserves
4. What amount of funding may be granted to an applicant?
A maximum of $500 (USD) per grant or travel sponsorship award to an individual per occasion
5. How does one apply for the money?
Application by email or letter to the IGEO Secretary before the 15 of March. The application must include the objectives, dates, detailed costed information about the activity and specify how the funds will be spent. An individual/ organisation/ institution that received financial support from IGEO will not be funded again for the next three years.
6. What are the responsibilities of the individual who has been granted funding?
A detailed report (less than 1000 words,preferably containing photos) should be submitted once the applicant has successfully attended a conference, conducted any geoscience outreach activity etc. A report should be submitted within a month after the activity is over, to the IGEO Secretary, for potential publication on the IGEO website and in IGEO reports and newsletters.
7. Who decides whether to support proposals?
A majority of IGEO Senior Officers (currently five out of eight)
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