The International Geoscience Education Organisation (IGEO) was formed on Tuesday 18 January 2000 at the 3rd International Conference on Geoscience Education in Sydney, Australia
1. Aims
The aims of IGEO are:
- to promote geoscience education internationally at all levels;
- to work for the enhancement of quality in the international provision of geoscience education;
- to encourage developments that raise public awareness of geoscience, particularly amongst younger people.
2. Activities
The International Geoscience Education Organisation shall:
- monitor international provision for geoscience education at all levels;
- foster communication between geoscience educators worldwide at all levels;
- liaise with international and national bodies concerned with geoscience education;
- liaise with international professional geoscience bodies;
- liaise with international bodies concerned with science education.
3. Organisation
3.1. The Organisation shall be lead by a Council.
3.2. Council Composition
(i) The Council shall consist of an appropriate number of persons, appointed as follows:
a. Officers
A Chairperson;
A Vice-Chairperson;
A Secretary/Treasurer;
A Newsletter Editor;
Convenor of next Conference
b. Committee
One member from each country seeking representation on the Council, up to a
maximum number to be determined by the Council.
3.3. Council Operation
- The Officers shall be elected by the Council from the country delegates
- The chairperson shall normally officiate for the interval between conferences
- Council Officers shall normally be appointed for the interval between conferences. Other Council members may be appointed or co-opted.
- Observers may attend Council meetings, but shall not be entitled to vote.
- Where Council members are unable to attend meetings, substitution may be allowed with agreement of the Chairperson.
- The Secretary shall be responsible for notifying the members of meetings and inviting items for the agenda before a meeting. The Secretary will circulate the agenda to members in advance of the meeting. The Secretary shall send the minutes of each meeting to each member within four weeks of the meeting.
3.3. Council Meetings
- The Council shall meet as frequently as reasonable. Non-Council members may address the Council on specific topics if the Council so wished
- The Council may form fixed term Working Groups or ongoing Subcommittees, to deal with special topics.
3.5. Council Duties
- Oversee the preparation of the succeeding conference.
- Preparation and dissemination of a newsletter.
- Work towards achieving the objectives expressed in 1.1
This file is available in MS-Word(constitution) and pdf(constitution) formats.